P1708 La Fayette 6 Engine Fault Code

Check Solution For P1708 La Fayette 6 OBD Code :

P1708 La Fayette 6 engine code seems a kind of powertrain problem, we try to show one by one the meaning and the solution.
Brief explanation of the P1708 La Fayette 6 code and definition of P1708 La Fayette 6 is the bottom side.

P1708 La Fayette 6 Meaning :

p Powertrain Code
Problem is related engine, transmission and emissions systems.
1 MFG - Manufacturer Specific
7 Auxiliary Emission Controls
0 IC Circuit High Voltage
8 PCM Stack Overrun

MFG - Manufacturer Specific codes, which have a '1' as their second digit to indicate they are unique to a particular vehicle make or model. These special codes were deemed necessary by the vehicle manufacturers so they could provide additional diagnostic information beyond the basic list of generic OBD II codes for all kinds of faults, not just emissions-related faults.

How To Fix P1708 La Fayette 6 ?

Regarding the P1708 code, it would probably be worthwhile to carefully inspect the wire harness near the intake manifold bracket. This is done most easily from below the car in the area near the oil filter.

P1708 La Fayette 6 Code Description:

The original multi-displacement system turned off opposite pairs of cylinders, allowing the engine to have three different configurations and displacements. P1708 code had an elaborate diagnostics procedure, including showing engine trouble codes on the air conditionning display. However, the system was troublesome, misunderstood by customers, and a rash of unpredictable failures led to the technology being quickly retired. When you see P1708 La Fayette 6 engine fault code on your engine code reader this description will help you.

P Codes List of all Powertrain codes.

Final Step: In the definitions listed below, there is a test drive recommended after you've completed any repairs to see if the condition is fixed. Before you take a test drive after a repair, always erase the P Code(s) first. This will turn the check engine light off and then you will know if the check engine light returns, you've got further diagnostics to complete.

This engine code information is presented for information purposes only. This is not intended as repair advice and we are not responsible for any actions you take on any vehicle.

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